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本文摘要:APPLE says 2 million iPhone 5 were sold on the Chinese mainland in the first three days since sales began last Friday.苹果公司回应200台iPhone 5自上周五开始前三天在中国大陆销售一空。


APPLE says 2 million iPhone 5 were sold on the Chinese mainland in the first three days since sales began last Friday.苹果公司回应200台iPhone 5自上周五开始前三天在中国大陆销售一空。Industry insiders said the figure reflected the popularity of iPhone 5 in China, the worlds biggest mobile phone market, and Apples improved distribution and supply in its second biggest market after the United States.业内人士说道这个数字体现了在中国这个世界上仅次于的手机市场iPhone 5的风行,苹果在其次于美国的第二大市场改良了发给和供应链。Customer response to iPhone 5 in China has been incredible, Apples Chief Executive Tim Cook said in a statement yesterday. China is a very important market for us and customers there cannot wait to get their hands on Apple products.“在中国消费者对iPhone 5的反应仍然令人难以置信,”苹果的首席执行官蒂姆库克昨日在一份声明中回应。


“中国对我们来说是一个十分最重要的市场,那里的顾客迫不及待地想获得苹果产品。”Figures for initial sales of previous iPhone models in China were not available.先前iPhone模型在中国的销售原始数据并不能用。In September, when the iPhone 5 made its debut in nine countries and regions, including the United States and Hong Kong, more than 5 million phones were sold in the first three days.今年9月,当iPhone 5在9个国家和地区首次亮相,还包括美国和香港,在前三天享有多达500万的手机销量。Apples partners on the mainland, China Unicom and China Telecom, launched sales at midnight last Thursday, earlier than the Apple Stores which opened at 7am on Friday.苹果在中国内地的合作伙伴,中国联通和中国电信,在上周四午夜开始销售,早于于周五早上7点苹果零售店预售。

Everyone who comes to our store is able to get an iPhone 5 because we have stocks for two or three days, Zhu Yan, China Telecoms Shanghai-based marketing official, said.“凡到我们商店的每个人需要获得一台iPhone 5,因为我们有两三天的储备,”朱燕,中国电信上海市场官员说道。Previously, people had to queue for several hours at Apple Stores to buy products such as the iPhone 4 and iPad 2 when they were launched.以前当他们发售时人们被迫在苹果商店分列几个小时出售如iPhone 4和iPad 2那样的产品。

Its really easy this time because you can buy it everywhere, said Xu Min, a software engineer who bought a white 16GB phone from Bailians online store.“这次知道很更容易因为你四处都可以卖到,”徐敏说道,一位软件工程师,他从百联的在线商店买了一台白色的16 GB手机。



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