
Aluminum Blinds

本文摘要:The Origi of Things万物起源The Theory of Five Elements五行说道The anaent Chinese people tended to refer to supematural power for an explanation of any natural phenomena that they could not understand or control.中国古代先民对于无法解读和掌控的自然现象,归诸于支配万物的超自然力。


The Origi of Things万物起源The Theory of Five Elements五行说道The anaent Chinese people tended to refer to supematural power for an explanation of any natural phenomena that they could not understand or control.中国古代先民对于无法解读和掌控的自然现象,归诸于支配万物的超自然力。Such supernatural power had different names in different periods in Chi-nese history,此超自然力量在中国有所不同历史时期有有所不同的称谓,such as Shang di ( God) in the Shang Dynasty (1600BC~1046) and Tian ( Heaven);in the Zhou Dynasty (1046BC一 256 BC).商代(前1600~前1046)叫“上帝”,周代(前1046~前256)起改回“天”,The Tian, Zi ( Emperor)therefore was designated by the heaven to govem the world.而所谓的“天子”则不受天之命来统治者人间。The Theory of Vitality精气说道In the middle of the Warring States Period (475BC~221BC) , Song Xing and Yin Wen, two famous philosophers at that time,brought forward the theory of vital-ity, explaining the world with the tiny primitive substance of Yuan Qi (vitality).战国(前475~前221)中期,宋钎、尹文两位哲学家明确提出“精气”学说,以无法必要感觉的笔法完整物质“元气”说明世界。


Ac-cording to them, Yuan Qi, invisible and untouchable, existed everltwhere, and when combined, gave rise to all things in the world.元气看不到、摸不着,但不存在于任何地方,挤满一起才可成万物。The Theory of Chaos混沌阴阳说道As early as in the Warring States Period, there already existed philosophers who beiieved the heaven and earlh came into being as a result of the mutual effects of Yin and Yan,g.战国时期,指出天和地是在混沌中阴阳起到而问世的看法早已不存在。

The book Hu,ai Ahn Zi , written by Liu An and so on during the Western Han Dynasty(206BC— AD24 ),was the earliest to elaborate on the ori-gin and evolvement of the hecwen, earth, and celestial bodies.而最先具体阐述天地和日月星辰起源和进化的,不应推溯至西汉(前206~公元24)时期淮南王刘安等人写的《淮南子》。



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